Giving children a home

Orphan family

Ombeni – a young man with a big heart and courage. He lost his parents in a massacre when he was just 18 years old. Since then he has lovingly looked after his six biological siblings and has also taken in five other orphans. His open house is a contact point for other orphans and street children in his neighborhood in Bukavu. Focus Congo supports the young family with living and maintenance costs, rent costs and school fees for the children.


The orphanage “AHPVEO” was created from an initiative by locals in Goma, which has now become a home for over 35 children over the age of 10. Focus Congo supports the orphanage with food for the children, Maintenance costs and Coverage of medical costs. During the volcanic eruption in May 2021, Focus Congo, in cooperation with AHPVEO, also took in over 30 children who had been separated from their parents during the disaster.

Girls Orphanage
"Mom Sophie"

It all started with Mama Sophie, who took in girls from the street. They were all victims of sexual abuse, suffering from illnesses or pregnant and homeless. There are currently over 49 girls. When mom Sophie died, her son took over his mother's inheritance and used the proceeds from his small bookstore to hire educators and psychologists who now look after the girls. Focus Congo supports the orphanage with food, maintenance and medical costs.

Voices from the project

Questions about the project

Instead of building our own orphanage, we support existing local initiatives that do great work and rely on support. In particular, we are deeply impressed by the dedication of the staff, whose passion and heart for orphans is inspiring and contagious. Our on-site team visits the facilities regularly, provides support and builds relationships with the children and staff.

With their own house, we are not only giving Ombeni and his siblings a permanent home of their own, but also a contact point for many street children in his neighborhood. Ombeni cooks for them and dance groups for children take place in his small courtyard. He also has around 40 chickens that he breeds and sells to earn his own money. His current home is too small and costs monthly rent. Ombeni does a great job and needs space to do it!

In addition to food, clothing and, in an emergency, medical costs for the children, additional money is needed for the running costs and maintenance of the orphanages. Creating a cozy home for the children also requires attention to detail. In addition, the salaries of educators and psychologists must be guaranteed so that the children can be adequately looked after. 

With heart and passion for orphans

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825€ of 63.000€ raised
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