Together for a radiant future for Congo

We want to see Congolese people shine like stars

Hope for Congo

Focus Congo exists to see hope and redemption arise within the people of the Democratic Republic of Congo. We see a radiant and peaceful Congo with enormous opportunities for social and economic development. We see Congolese people transformed to be able to fulfil their God given destiny.

Focus Congo is a young organization with volunteers from all over the world, united by a passion for Congo.

We discover and promote young Congolese talents, give a voice to the voiceless and provide help in greatest need.

We are dynamic and strive for growth and development. We love to network and welcome partnerships and sponsors.

Make a difference

Stand with the Congolese people and nation!

We value every contribution – whether it is through prayer, joining us in our work in Congo, or giving a donation. THANK YOU!

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One Country

The Democratic Republic of Congo in the heart of Africa

One Focus

Our focus is on the hope and beauty in Congo

One Vision

We want to see Congolese people shine like stars

The story behind Focus Congo

It began one day when a very young Pappy began a very long journey… A journey of heartbreak; but ultimately of transformation by redemptive love and a new-found hope.

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emergency relief for congo