Paths to independence

For families in villages, keeping and breeding goats is an uncomplicated yet viable source of income. Focus Congo buys a goat from a family in need, which the family raises until it has kids. The resale of the breeding secures a family's livelihood.

start raising chickens
With 200 euros in starting money for chicken breeding, Focus Congo, together with the aid recipient, buys material for a chicken coop, chickens and chicks, which are raised into hens and further bred. The profit from the sale of eggs and chickens is used to secure one's own livelihood.

open a small shop
500 euros is enough to pay the rent for a small “mom and pop shop” in more remote parts of the city in Bukavu and Goma, where a young mother can sell groceries, household items and clothes.

Focus Congo supports people and young entrepreneurs with a financial start-up who have sustainable and innovative ideas for a start-up.
Voices from the project

"I met Focus Congo at Chahi Hospital when my son Kabika was operated on free of charge by a surgeon from Germany. Focus Congo also took care of me. When I told them that my husband and I didn't have a job, Focus Congo helped me "He helped me open a shop that I can now use to provide for my children and family. An incredible blessing for us."
Mama Kabika
has opened a shop
"With 500 euros, I opened a small shop just a few meters from the house where I live with my siblings. I use the profit to buy food for my siblings and myself. I also started saving a bit. With the savings I bought chickens and am breeding them. There are now over 50 of them. I am incredibly grateful for this opportunity."
Provider for an orphan family
"The challenge is not only to help the aid recipients open their small businesses, but to guide them to work well and economically with a profit. That is the recipe for success and that is why good mentoring is necessary. Ombeni is a wonderful example of this."
Pappy Orion
Founder and board of directorsStand on their own legs...

Yes, I enable steps towards independence!
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